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Java and the Open Source ecosystem security

By CVEs, Security, Spanish, Tribers Tour No Comments
Security in the Open Source ecosystem has continuously grown in priority on the global agenda in the technology industry. Many practices like DevOps, Agile, and standards like ISO/IEC 27001 have contributed over the years to adopt and promote a shift-left approach to security in the industry. The Java ecosystem is not separate from the opportunities and challenges the industry has overcome regarding security. In late 2022 I started to deliver the session “Deep diving into Java ecosystem security with OpenSource and DevSecOps” which provide a glance at how Open Source and the Java ecosystem correlate during the lifecycle of common...
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50 Shades of TomEE

By Apache TomEE One Comment
I don't know if we'll get a film after the international success of it but since few months the world is all about microservices. Whatever your opinion on it is you will surely have to work with it a little bit. One common way to go to production with microservices is to do a shade of your application and simply deploy an executable jar. Let go through common Microservice solutions which work with TomEE flavors. TomEE Shades A shade is a Maven plugin to aggregate project dependencies in a single jar. It can be done with Maven dependency plugin with some…
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Ready-to-edit application in under 3 min. with TomEE

By Apache TomEE One Comment
We've teamed up with Codenvy to help make getting started with TomEE even easier than before! For those of you who don't know, Codenvy is a cloud-based IDE that supports a range of popular programming languages and frameworks. Best of all, its free to use and you don't even need to create an account to get started. You can go from zero to a running instance of a ready-to-edit application in TomEE in under 3 minutes and without leaving your browser. All this with a short guided tour to walk you through the whole process. Launching Codenvy We've added a…
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Monitoring an Apache TomEE Service on Windows with VisualVM

By Apache TomEE No Comments
It's always good to 'see' how your Apache TomEE server is performing in a real world environment. A really great visual tool for this job, that actually ships with the latest Java Development Kit (JDK), is the Java VisualVM application. I will assume you already have a recent Oracle JDK and Apache TomEE installed as a Windows Service. Although this post will focus on the Windows Service platform, most of the information is relevant for other Java platforms. You'll find this tool in the C:/Program Files/Java//bin directory as 'jvisualvm.exe' - Just run it and have a play with the application…
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Apache TomEE JAX-RS and Arquillian Starter Project

By Apache TomEE, Arquillian, Jakarta EE 2 Comments
Know JAX-RS, but haven't yet dug into Apache TomEE? Way too busy or impatient to read documentation? This repo is for you. The only thing better than a Maven archetype is a repo you can fork with everything already setup. Fork this repository on Github and you're good to go! The contents are incredibly small: ./LICENSE ./pom.xml ./ ./src/main/java/org/superbiz/ ./src/main/java/org/superbiz/ ./src/test/java/org/superbiz/ ./src/test/resources/arquillian.xml The only mandatory actions are the following steps: $ git clone [email protected]:tomitribe/tomee-jaxrs-starter-project.git $ cd tomee-jaxrs-starter-project/ $ mvn clean install tomee:run That's it! With those simple steps above, you get the following: Easy to extend starter project setup…
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Tomitribe at DevoxxUK

By Community No Comments
DevoxxUK is next week and we couldn't be more excited. Why? Oh, let me count the ways. We're a Sponsor It will be our first time as an official sponsor of a conference! How's that for a start? A proud little milestone for us. If you haven't been to a Devoxx yet and you have your pass, you're in for a treat. If you don't have a pass, get one. You won't regret it. My first was Devoxx Belgium in 2012. Devoxx UK will be my fifth Devoxx event. Does that tell you anything? Norm is Back We unfortunately had…
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Meet Tomitribe at Devoxx 2013

By Community No Comments
Don't miss Tomitribe at Devoxx 2013. I'll be there presenting some of the recent accomplishments in the EJB 3.2 spec released as part of Java EE 7. As a spec revision largely focused on API fixes, there were a couple changes with big impact! Prepare to have your view of EJB turned upside down. EJB 3.2 and Beyond - Wednesday November 13th, 17:50 We will be there with shirts and stickers to give away, so meet us at the session or catch up with us in the hacking area. If you see us, please do come and say hi! There's…
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