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Feed the Fish

By Open Source 12 Comments
The announcement of the end of commercial versions of GlassFish has a lot of people pronouncing GlassFish, in general, dead. While GlassFish is definitely not dead, the open source version will live, there are definitely going to be some challenges. This move closely follows IBM's similar actions in slowly backing away from Apache Geronimo, the basis of IBM WebSphere Community Edition for which IBM discontinued commercial support in May this year. The two giant software companies seem to be following each other lock and step. Who is to Blame? While it's tempting to wag our fingers at these two giants…
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Who Are The Real Heroes Of Open Source?

By Open Source One Comment
As the first entry in the Tomitribe blog, I wanted to take the opportunity to give a personal view of why. Why do we exist? What do we hope to achieve? Chasing a Dream Before I talk about that, I want to share an intimate moment in time. A defining moment when we knew we truly had something special. This is a picture from April of 2011, before Apache TomEE had been certified and announced to the world, when it was still very much a dream. Open source is full of heroes and these people are my personal heroes and…
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