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Keeping Brazil’s Medical Industry Safe with MicroProfile & JakartaEE – Jakarta Tech Talks

By Apache TomEE, Community, Eclipse Foundation, Jakarta EE, Java EE, MicroProfile, Open Source, TomEE, Tomitribe, Tribers vTour No Comments
At Oracle Code One 2019  Rafael Guimares, Otavio Santana, and I presented this 45 minutes session for the first time. We provided a case of cloud migration and modernization of a widely use monolithic system with the help of MicroProfile, Jakarta EE, TomEEand Tribestream API Gateway in the Brazilian medical Industry that involved several challenges such as the fifth-largest population and largest territory in the world; technical complexity; and diversity, both geographic and economic. At the beginning of 2020, we were invited via the Jakarta EE Community Forum signed up sheet here to present the session as part of the…
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Tomitribe at CodeOne 2019

By Community, Open Source, Tomitribe No Comments
Oracle CodeOne 2019 was held on September 16th-19th in San Francisco.  During the event developers, users, architects, managers and many IT stakeholders from around the world had the opportunity to network, share and learn about the established and cutting edge technologies related to cloud-native, Apache TomEE, Eclipse MicroProfile, GraalVM, Data Science, DevOps, Jakarta EE, Testing frameworks and more. Tomitribe was again excited to return to the second iteration of what used to be JavaOneConf.  Four Tribers:  David, Amelia, Jean-Louis and Cesar were actively involved in many presentations, Hands-on Labs, community activities/parties and Hackergartens.  Activities Covered Meet the JCP Executive Committee 20th JCP…
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TomEE: A Tutorial on Microprofile Rest Client

By MicroProfile, Open Source, Tomitribe No Comments
On a previous blog post, Triber Ivan Junckes Filho published an overview of the MicroProfile Rest Client (Rest Client) standard. In this tutorial, we are going to build on Ivan’s overview to show you, step by step, how you can develop and deploy this type-safe approach to consume an existing JAX-RS microservices with Apache TomEE 8 M1. If you have not read Ivan’s overview, it is suggested you do that first and then come back to this tutorial. The toolset we are going to use for this tutorial includes Java 8, Apache TomEE 8 M1 and Maven 3.6. The technologies…
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The Best Thing I Ever Did Was Open Source

By Apache TomEE, Community, Jakarta EE, Open Source, Tomitribe No Comments
When I look back on the 25 years since I graduated and entered the market as a professional software engineer, I see a tapestry of accomplishments, failures, joy, frustration, and finally peace.  One accomplishment, in particular, the Co-Founding of OpenEJB with David Blevins, stands at the top of that list. I started out in Open Source working with Mark Flury on EJB-OSS in 1999, which was later renamed JBoss.  Shortly after that experience, I was hired by a company to develop an entirely new Open Source EJB Container system, OpenEJB, which later became an official Apache project. The opportunity to…
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Tomitribe Goes To CodeOne 2018

By Community, Jakarta EE, MicroProfile, Open Source, Tomitribe No Comments
Tomitribe is excited to be attending Oracle CodeOne  (Oct 22nd - 25th) this year. Eight Tribers - David, Amelia, Jean-Louis, Roberto, Otavio, Cesar, Ivan, and Richard - six of whom are giving a total of 12 presentations.  Attendees can also meet us during exhibitor’s hours at booth 5209, where we can tell you about Tomitribe Community Partnership Program.  We also look forward to sharing the latest updates on the Open Source Projects we are part of. For the first time in 20 years, there will be no JavaOne conference. JavaOne always brings back memories for those who have attended and…
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JavaDay Ecuador 2018

By Community, Tomitribe One Comment
On September 8, the first edition of Java Ecuador Day was held in beautiful Quito, Ecuador. The conference boasted more than 350 attendees with 20 speakers. As a Triber, I got the opportunity to attend as one of those speakers and together, alongside the attendees, we shared the latest knowledge in the Enterprise Java Ecosystem. Topics covered included Jakarta EE, Serverless, MicroProfile, Clean architecture, Cloud, Microservices, and success stories.   Alberto Salazar, the leader of the Java User Group in Ecuador, indicated that this is the first time that professionals from the region, members of the Java Community Process, Java Champions,…
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Oracle Developer Community Tour Latin 2018

By Community, Jakarta EE, MicroProfile, Open Source, Tomitribe No Comments
About a month ago we post a blog about Otávio Santana speaking with the Latin America Oracle Developer Community Tour (Latin ODC Tour).  The Latin ODC Tour focuses on great technologies such as Oracle Cloud, Containers, Java, Microservices, Oracle Database, DevOps, MySQL. This year, the ODC has covered twelves cities: Paraguay, Asunción Chile, Santiago de Chile Brasil, São Paulo Uruguay, Montevideo Argentina, Buenos Aires Perú, Lima Ecuador, Quito Colombia, Barranquilla Costa     Rica, San José Panamá,  Ciudad de Panamá México,  Ciudad de México Guatemala,  Ciudad de Guatemala While the tour visits countries in both South and Central America it spans communities…
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TomEE: An Overview of the TomEE 7.1 release!

By Apache TomEE, Jakarta EE, Open Source, Tomitribe No Comments
The Apache TomEE community has announced the release of TomEE 7.1  - a major step forward for TomEE. For more details on the changes please look into the release notes. For tips on upgrading, see this blog post by @jongallimore  from earlier this week. Tomitribe and TomEE TomEE is a project that members of Tomitribe have been working on and supporting for years and our efforts to release TomEE 7.1 was significant. Tomitribe is proud to contribute to the project. A special thanks to all the other committers for their hard work as well! Java 8 Update Prior to TomEE 7.1 you…
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Tomitribe is Family

By Community, Tomitribe No Comments
Life is full of curveballs, which is an American euphemism for saying, “things don’t always go as expected.”  At the beginning of this year, I decided to return to the Java open source ecosystem when offered the chance by David Blevins and Tomitribe. It’s probably the best decision I’ve made in 14 years, and I’m grateful to Tomitribe for bringing me aboard and to the Java community for making me feel welcome.   Tomitribe is an exciting place to work. We are very involved in the new Jakarta EE (EE4J) project at Eclipse Foundation with members participating on many of…
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