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Open Source Heroes

By Open Source 2 Comments
Open source heroes are never hard to find. They begin projects, lead communities, and inspire others.  It takes a special kind of person to contribute to open source. Most projects never reach the status of Linux or Apache or Eclipse, but even the smallest and most obscure projects can make software development easier for other developers.  It is hard - no, impossible - to imagine our world without open source and the people who create and maintain it. We forget our heroes Yet, we do forget! As a society, we forget all the developers who come together and give some…
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“I do not hate Apache Maven”

By Open Source One Comment
I recently had an opportunity to hold a few talks at DevoxxUK. This one went down as a treat, so I'd like to share a little depth in this quick blog. Thanks go out to the entire team, but some special thanks to Mark Hazell and Ellie May for organizing a really great event. Awesome work guys! Apache Maven This is a quick and simple take on ensuring that your Apache Maven based project starts and, more importantly, stays lean and clean. It's a summary of my best practices, and I'm always happy to learn a few more. Keep your…
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My CREST Journey to Open Source Contribution

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I have been contributing to open source software (OSS) projects in my life as a programmer and as a result I have gained a better understanding of APIs and frameworks. This practice has helped improve my skills for my developer tasks. CREST is a project that I have contributed to and I would like to give an overview about and how to contribute to it. This project can be found at along with several other open source projects. What is CLI? First, you should understand what the CLI (Command Line Interface) is. Applications that use the OS command line…
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CREST: Boost Your CLI!

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Reminder about CREST CREST is a library that allows you to write a command line interface program using a declarative API like JAX-RS for HTTP. Its key features are: 100% Annotation based Ability to use bean validation on method Fully Java integrated Supports complex parameter binding as parameter Often used as an example, for what it's worth, here is a "Hello, World!" example using CREST: public class Hello { @Command public static String hello(@Option("name") String name) { return "Hello " + name; } } One more step The latest release of CREST boosted its features, which gives you more power…
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Feed the Fish

By Open Source 12 Comments
The announcement of the end of commercial versions of GlassFish has a lot of people pronouncing GlassFish, in general, dead. While GlassFish is definitely not dead, the open source version will live, there are definitely going to be some challenges. This move closely follows IBM's similar actions in slowly backing away from Apache Geronimo, the basis of IBM WebSphere Community Edition for which IBM discontinued commercial support in May this year. The two giant software companies seem to be following each other lock and step. Who is to Blame? While it's tempting to wag our fingers at these two giants…
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Who Are The Real Heroes Of Open Source?

By Open Source One Comment
As the first entry in the Tomitribe blog, I wanted to take the opportunity to give a personal view of why. Why do we exist? What do we hope to achieve? Chasing a Dream Before I talk about that, I want to share an intimate moment in time. A defining moment when we knew we truly had something special. This is a picture from April of 2011, before Apache TomEE had been certified and announced to the world, when it was still very much a dream. Open source is full of heroes and these people are my personal heroes and…
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