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TomEE: A Tutorial on Microprofile Rest Client

By MicroProfile, Open Source, Tomitribe No Comments
On a previous blog post, Triber Ivan Junckes Filho published an overview of the MicroProfile Rest Client (Rest Client) standard. In this tutorial, we are going to build on Ivan’s overview to show you, step by step, how you can develop and deploy this type-safe approach to consume an existing JAX-RS microservices with Apache TomEE 8 M1. If you have not read Ivan’s overview, it is suggested you do that first and then come back to this tutorial. The toolset we are going to use for this tutorial includes Java 8, Apache TomEE 8 M1 and Maven 3.6. The technologies…
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TomEE for the Holidays

By Apache TomEE, Community, Open Source No Comments
If I were to pick a month to brand "Open Source Month", it would be December. I could list personal reasons for it, such as December 1999 was the first month I ever contributed to Open Source. That happens to be the same month I married Amelia and have often joked, "I've been married to them both ever since." The real reason is December is the month open source heroes are born. December is Your Time to Shine I've noticed a pattern of December being a very prolific month for open source contribution. In December 2006 the OpenEJB 3 codebase…
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The Best Thing I Ever Did Was Open Source

By Apache TomEE, Community, Jakarta EE, Open Source, Tomitribe No Comments
When I look back on the 25 years since I graduated and entered the market as a professional software engineer, I see a tapestry of accomplishments, failures, joy, frustration, and finally peace.  One accomplishment, in particular, the Co-Founding of OpenEJB with David Blevins, stands at the top of that list. I started out in Open Source working with Mark Flury on EJB-OSS in 1999, which was later renamed JBoss.  Shortly after that experience, I was hired by a company to develop an entirely new Open Source EJB Container system, OpenEJB, which later became an official Apache project. The opportunity to…
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TomEE: Configuration Techniques

By Apache TomEE, Open Source No Comments
Many applications running on TomEE interact with other services, such as databases or 3rd party REST APIs. As an administrator, we need to be able to tell the application how to connect to these systems. TomEE provides a couple of different strategies for configuration and in this article, we’ll explore the different packaging and deployments. Separating configuration from your application This is probably the most common way of working with TomEE. Any resources that are used in the application are defined in the application server and mapped to a unique name in a JNDI directory. To improve the portability of…
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TomEE: Announcing TomEE 8 M1!

By Apache TomEE, Community, MicroProfile, Open Source No Comments
The Apache TomEE community has announced the release of TomEE 8.0 - Milestone 1 (M1) – a major step forward for TomEE. Tomitribe and TomEE TomEE is a project that members of Tomitribe have been working on and supporting for years and our efforts to release TomEE 8.0 was significant. Tomitribe is proud to contribute to the project. A special thanks to all the other committers for their hard work as well! Java EE 8 This is the first TomEE release that provides support for Java EE 8 and Jakarta EE, where two new specs were introduced: JSON-B, a well-needed…
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TomEE: SSL/TLS Secured Websockets

By Apache TomEE, Arquillian, Jakarta EE, Open Source No Comments
In a previous article, WebSocket and Lock it! we showed how to use basic authentication on websocket calls to an application deployed on TomEE. In this article, we explain how to add SSL/TLS security to the connection between the client and the application server. To demonstrate this, we've created a new wss-secured-websocket project. This work is valid both for Secure Websocket (WSS) and HTTPS. Adding transport layer security is important in order to protect the data exchange. Payloads and headers are sent in clear text when using simple HTTP. This is critical when considering the authentication header. As you can…
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Tomitribe Goes To CodeOne 2018

By Community, Jakarta EE, MicroProfile, Open Source, Tomitribe No Comments
Tomitribe is excited to be attending Oracle CodeOne  (Oct 22nd - 25th) this year. Eight Tribers - David, Amelia, Jean-Louis, Roberto, Otavio, Cesar, Ivan, and Richard - six of whom are giving a total of 12 presentations.  Attendees can also meet us during exhibitor’s hours at booth 5209, where we can tell you about Tomitribe Community Partnership Program.  We also look forward to sharing the latest updates on the Open Source Projects we are part of. For the first time in 20 years, there will be no JavaOne conference. JavaOne always brings back memories for those who have attended and…
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MicroProfile Fault Tolerance Annotations

By Eclipse Foundation, MicroProfile, Open Source No Comments
In our last article about Microprofile Fault Tolerance we explained the motivation for this project and the need to provide a few design patterns under the microservice friendly Microprofile spec, namely: Bulkhead – isolate failures in part of the system. Circuit breaker – offer a way to fail fast. Retry – define criteria on when to retry. Fallback – provide an alternative solution for a failed execution. We also presented some of the libraries that implement this Microprofile specification, including the Geronimo Safegard library, the one used on TomEE 7.1. Lets now dive a bit deeper into the spec and…
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JNoSQL and Jakarta EE

By Community, Eclipse Foundation, Jakarta EE, Open Source 2 Comments
The Enterprise Java platform has been evolving steadily since 1999 when it was first introduced as Java 2, Enterprise Edition. Today, Enterprise Java is being standardized under the Eclipse Foundation with the new brand, Jakarta EE.  Jakarta EE picks up where Java EE 8 left off, but the roadmap going forward will be focused on modern innovations such as microservices, modularity, and, now, NoSQL databases. The JNoSQL project, of which I’m a part, is excited to announce that it will be the first new standardization project to be adopted by Jakarta EE providing a robust and vendor agnostic API that…
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MicroProfile JSON Web Token (JWT)

By MicroProfile, Open Source No Comments
In the post, “What is Eclipse MicroProfile”, we explained what Eclipse MicroProfile is and why it’s important. MicroProfile is made up of several specifications. In this post, I’ll explain the JSON Web Tokens (JWT), the MicroProfile JWT specification, and how it can be used to implement stateless security in microservices. I’ll also talk about the extensibility and flexibility of MicroProfile with claims. Tomitribe has been helping companies implement REST services for years and one of the most common problems our clients have is deciding how to implement authentication and authorization. The development of MicroProfile and its use of JWT is…
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