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Stateless Security, MicroProfile JWT and OpenSource R³ Jam come to DevNexus

By Community, MicroProfile, Open Source No Comments
It's the week before a conference. You're giving a new talk. This is the moment when all speakers are at their least confident. And what, I have to write a blog to earn a shirt? Who made these rules? Oh, we did. Alright, let's do this. Introducing OpenSource R³ Jam In a very PartyOne inspired front, we're getting together with DevNexus, Hazelcast, Jakarta EE, Okta, and Sonatype needs to throw a fun new party at DevNexus next week in Atlanta, Georgia, March 6-8th. DevNexus has soared to the top of my US conferences list and is sitting right up there…
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It’s Easy! Debugging with IntelliJ and TomEE

By Apache TomEE, Open Source, TomEE No Comments
In our last post we provided a step-by-step tutorial that explained how to debug Enterprise Java applications on TomEE from the Eclipse IDE. This time we'll do the same thing but with IntelliJ! I've always found debugging Enterprise Java applications to be a challenge, but modern features of the Java Virtual Machine and tools like IntelliJ make it easy. If you are already familiar with IntelliJ but have not debugged a TomEE application, then this will be a quick but useful tutorial. If you are new to IntelliJ or TomEE you'll find the steps outlined here very easy to follow.…
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It’s Easy! Remote Debugging with Eclipse and TomEE

By Community, Eclipse Foundation, Open Source, TomEE No Comments
I’m going to try something different in this article. I’m going to use lots of images as a reference for readers. I have not done that before, but I’ve found when I’m learning something new that it can be very helpful. A big hurdle for me personally, as a Java EE developer, is debugging server-side code from an IDE. In this tutorial, I’m going to show you step by step how to set up Eclipse for “remotely” debugging Java EE applications. I put remotely in quotes because in this article you are really running TomEE on the same machine as…
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TomEE on Azure cloud

By Apache TomEE, Open Source No Comments
If you have an application on TomEE and want to deploy it on Microsoft's Azure cloud, then this blog post is for you. Once everything is configured, the build and the deployment will require only a single command line and you will be able to access the application from anywhere in the World! Downloading TomEE-Azure Module We have already prepared a TomEE/Azure module ( cloud-tomee-azure module found in the TomEE examples) to make working with TomEE in Azure much easier. To take advantage of this module, you will first need to checkout TomEE from Github: git clone [email protected]:apache/tomee.git Then, navigate…
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How to Contribute to the TomEE Website

By Apache TomEE, Open Source No Comments
In a previous post, “How to Get Started Contributing to TomEE or any Open Source Project”, we explained the general workflow - things to do and steps to avoid - that can help you join and maximize your contribution to an Open Source Project. In this post, we will walk you through the technical steps one can follow to contribute to the Apache TomEE Website. It's common knowledge in any Content Management System (CMS), that the complexity of information organization is directly proportional to the amount, type and format of information an organization want’s to provide to the users. For…
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Custom ConfigSource with MicroProfile Configuration

By Community, MicroProfile, Open Source No Comments
In the previous blog post “An Overview of MicroProfile Configuration” we have seen how to start using MicroProfile Configuration and covered the most common cases where it can be used. In today's blog post, we are going to show you one of the advanced features of MicroProfile Configuration: the ability to add your own ConfigSource. To refresh your memory, MicroProfile Config already ships with a few ConfigSources by default: file, system properties, and environment variables. What if your source of Configuration is somewhere else? Maybe a database or an API? Good news! MicroProfile Configuration allows you to create your…
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An Overview of MicroProfile Configuration

By Community, MicroProfile, Open Source One Comment
When we are developing an application, it is usually a good practice to externalize some aspects of the application so we can change its runtime behavior without the need to change the code. This is what we call Configuration. A few examples may include the application language, the currency symbol, the username and password to connect to the database or a system path to store uploaded files. In a Monolithic Architecture, you may get away from Configuration. It is not a big deal to perform a couple more builds to change some parameters. In the Microservices world, it is impossible.…
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Tweaking Your Skills in Open Source

By Community, Food for thought, Open Source No Comments
As I said in “The Best Thing I Ever Did Was Open Source”, open source is really where my heart is, so I’m grateful to be working on TomEE - even if sporadically - and seeing that project evolve and grow.  Since David Blevins post, “TomEE for the Holidays”, we have seen a serious uptick in the number of contributors, pull requests, and commits to TomEE.  Every new community member has joined with the same simple question, “How can I help!”, and all of them have received a warm welcome and a plentiful todo list. It’s been a while It…
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How to Get Started Contributing to TomEE or any Open Source Project

By Apache TomEE, Community, Open Source No Comments
What follows is an article, "Contribution Tips",  from the updated Community page on the TomEE website initially penned by David Blevins and improved by the Community, which explains how to get started contributing to Apache TomEE. We've been fortunate enough to have had several people join the project since the "The Best Thing I Ever Did Was Open Source" and "TomEE for the Holidays" posts were published.. I cannot think of a better resource to get folks started than the article re-published below.  Regardless of what project you are working on it is excellent advice. Subscribe to the developer mailing…
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JMS 3.0: Get Involved!

By Jakarta EE, Open Source No Comments
As the Jakarta EE Working Group at Eclipse prepares for the release of Jakarta EE 8, we are starting to think about what comes next.  Actually, most of us have been thinking about that for a while, but we have to get Jakarta EE 8 out before we can start to overhaul the platform.  One of the technologies that is due for an overhaul after Jakarta EE 8, is the Java Message Service (JMS) which was originally introduced in 2000 - nearly 20 years ago. Since 2000, the JMS specification has evolved slowly, but steadily, and while it remains one…
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