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Tomitribe Goes To CodeOne 2018

By Community, Jakarta EE, MicroProfile, Open Source, Tomitribe No Comments
Tomitribe is excited to be attending Oracle CodeOne  (Oct 22nd - 25th) this year. Eight Tribers - David, Amelia, Jean-Louis, Roberto, Otavio, Cesar, Ivan, and Richard - six of whom are giving a total of 12 presentations.  Attendees can also meet us during exhibitor’s hours at booth 5209, where we can tell you about Tomitribe Community Partnership Program.  We also look forward to sharing the latest updates on the Open Source Projects we are part of. For the first time in 20 years, there will be no JavaOne conference. JavaOne always brings back memories for those who have attended and…
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JNoSQL and Jakarta EE

By Community, Eclipse Foundation, Jakarta EE, Open Source 2 Comments
The Enterprise Java platform has been evolving steadily since 1999 when it was first introduced as Java 2, Enterprise Edition. Today, Enterprise Java is being standardized under the Eclipse Foundation with the new brand, Jakarta EE.  Jakarta EE picks up where Java EE 8 left off, but the roadmap going forward will be focused on modern innovations such as microservices, modularity, and, now, NoSQL databases. The JNoSQL project, of which I’m a part, is excited to announce that it will be the first new standardization project to be adopted by Jakarta EE providing a robust and vendor agnostic API that…
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Oracle Developer Community Tour Latin 2018

By Community, Jakarta EE, MicroProfile, Open Source, Tomitribe No Comments
About a month ago we post a blog about Otávio Santana speaking with the Latin America Oracle Developer Community Tour (Latin ODC Tour).  The Latin ODC Tour focuses on great technologies such as Oracle Cloud, Containers, Java, Microservices, Oracle Database, DevOps, MySQL. This year, the ODC has covered twelves cities: Paraguay, Asunción Chile, Santiago de Chile Brasil, São Paulo Uruguay, Montevideo Argentina, Buenos Aires Perú, Lima Ecuador, Quito Colombia, Barranquilla Costa     Rica, San José Panamá,  Ciudad de Panamá México,  Ciudad de México Guatemala,  Ciudad de Guatemala While the tour visits countries in both South and Central America it spans communities…
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TomEE: An Overview of the TomEE 7.1 release!

By Apache TomEE, Jakarta EE, Open Source, Tomitribe No Comments
The Apache TomEE community has announced the release of TomEE 7.1  - a major step forward for TomEE. For more details on the changes please look into the release notes. For tips on upgrading, see this blog post by @jongallimore  from earlier this week. Tomitribe and TomEE TomEE is a project that members of Tomitribe have been working on and supporting for years and our efforts to release TomEE 7.1 was significant. Tomitribe is proud to contribute to the project. A special thanks to all the other committers for their hard work as well! Java 8 Update Prior to TomEE 7.1 you…
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TomEE: Fat-Jar Deployments

By Apache TomEE, Docker, Jakarta EE, MicroProfile 2 Comments
In this blog post, I will show you how to create a distribution of your application that ships with TomEE so you can run your application out of the box. What is a Fat Jar? Fat Jar, Uber Jar, Shaded Jar. These have different names, but all of them have the same meaning. It is simply a Jar file that contains all of your project class files, plus all the classes of the dependencies of the project. This concept is not really new, it has been used for several years. However, with the growing popularity of cloud deployments and adoption…
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TomEE: WebSocket and Lock it!

By Apache TomEE, Arquillian, Jakarta EE, Open Source No Comments
Note: This article was originally authored by Romain Manni-Bucau in May of 2015 and has been updated by Bruno Baptista. Tomitribe uses the WebSocket API to add security credentials to REST services in our support services. This article has been updated to the latest versions of WebSocket and other resources and shows how you can easily add authentication to your REST calls.   WebSockets are a good technical solution when there is a requirement for interactive communication. A typical example is a chat system, but it makes more sense for live updates such as the stock market.  For example, being…
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TomEE: Using JCache with CDI

By Apache TomEE, Hazelcast, Jakarta EE No Comments
Although this article was originally written and published earlier, we felt it was important to cover it again on our blog.  JCache continues to offer exceptional advantages in enterprise computing and has been used by Tomitribe support services to improve performance of enterprise applications running TomEE.   The JCache JSR (JSR-107), finalized in late 2014, provides a standard mechanism to cache values in a map-like structure using a key. There are a number of different JCache implementations to choose from, and swapping between them should be no more difficult than swapping out .jar files on the classpath. In these examples,…
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Recap: Jakarta EE at Open Source North

By Community, Eclipse Foundation, Jakarta EE, Java Community Processes No Comments
I had the privilege of speaking at Open Source North last week (June 15th) about the transition from Java EE to Jakarta EE. The conference was well organized, and in its 4th year, was completely sold out weeks earlier. It was exciting to see so many people from the Twin Cities focused on open source! The presentations were excellent. The presentation "How Much Freedom is too Much?" about Microservices by Kelly Goetsch was packed to the point that there was not even room to stand in the back. It shows how relevant the topic is to folks in the trenches today. I also enjoyed…
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Jakarta EE: Unofficial State of the Union, Part 1

By Blog, Community, Eclipse Foundation, Jakarta EE, Open Source No Comments
There is so much going on with the transition of Java EE from Oracle to the Eclipse Foundation, that it can make your head spin.  Java EE is a huge platform, not only in terms of technology, but also in terms of specifications, governance, and marketing. This “Unofficial” state-of-the-union is an attempt to bring people, not intimately familiar with the work being done, up to speed. Obviously, this is subject to change as the transfer of intellectual property from Oracle to Eclipse Foundation, the establishment of a governance model, and the marketing plan are still being defined. Hopefully, however, this…
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Proprietary to Open: A Sea Change for Jakarta EE

By Eclipse Foundation, Jakarta EE, Open Source No Comments
As was discussed in the last post, Jakarta EE: Into the Fourth Epoch, enterprise Java is undergoing the biggest change in the 20-year history of the platform. Although a big part of this is the brand change from Java EE to Jakarta EE as well as a new technical direction (i.e. cloud-native and microservices) the most important change will be the move from a proprietary Java EE to fully open source Jakarta EE platform. The change in custodianship, from Oracle to the Eclipse Foundation, is fundamentally the most important change to the entire platform. To understand why, it's important to…
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