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5 minutes or less: Jakarta JSON Binding with Apache Johnzon

By Jakarta EE, Java EE, Open Source, TomEE No Comments
This tutorial shows how to use Jakarta JSON Binding to deserialize JSON data into Java POJOs and to serialize Java POJOs into JSON data. The Jakarta JSON Binding provider used is Apache Johnzon To get started you will need to clone the jsonb-basic-tutorial project on GitHub. Create a directory on your Desktop or somewhere and execute the following Git command. git clone Assuming you have Maven installed your next step is to go into the new jsonb-basic-tutorial directory and execute the Maven install command mvn install The jsonb-basic-tutorial uses mock JSON data from The JSON data is stored…
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MicroProfile: How it has evolved and where it’s headed?

By Jakarta EE, Java EE, MicroProfile, Open Source No Comments
About a year ago, I wrote a blog post about MicroProfile that explained what it is and why it was created. The explanation of what it is and why it was created is still valuable, but MicroProfle evolves rapidly, so it’s time to talk about where we are at, what’s new, and what to expect in the next few months. MicroProfile Today As per June 2019, MicroProfile 3.0 has been released with the following content.   MicroProfile 1.4 release from last year MicroProfile 3.0 release from this year   Updated versions of Metrics and Health Check introduced breaking API changes.…
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Singleton Session Beans: Eager initialization and ordering

By Apache TomEE, Jakarta EE, Java EE, TomEE No Comments
Tomitribe support customers often use Java Singleton EJBs, and while powerful the sequence of startup and initialize can be confusing. This tutorial will help explain how Singleton EJB’s can be eagerly initialized at application startup and how we can define a priority during this process. Review EJB Annotations Before jumping into the code let’s do a recap of the following annotations used in this blog post: @Singleton Component-defining annotation for a singleton session bean. @Startup Marks a singleton bean for eager initialization during the application startup sequence. @DependsOn Used to express an initialization dependency between singleton components. The container ensures…
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Free Cookbook of 166 Java EE Code Examples

By Apache TomEE, Jakarta EE, Java EE, Open Source, TomEE No Comments
A point of pride for the TomEE community is a large library of examples contained in the TomEE GitHub project. Whenever you clone or otherwise download the TomEE GitHub project you get nearly fourteen dozen examples you can review and run to learn more, not just about TomEE, but Java EE in general. The examples are like a free, code-centric cookbook that covers everything from programming a simple Java web application to CDI interceptors, to WebSockets with TLS Security. With 166 coded examples to choose from it seems there is something for everyone. Getting started with TomEE and running its…
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5 Minutes or Less: ActiveMQ with JMS Queues and Topics

By ActiveMQ, Jakarta EE, Open Source 15 Comments
Tomitribe supports a lot of clients that use ActiveMQ and JMS in production. If you need expert support to optimize and maintain your ActiveMQ setup, contact Tomitribe today for professional assistance. This post introduces you to both ActiveMQ and JMS. If you already understand the fundamental concepts behind JMS messaging, skip ahead to “A Short ActiveMQ and JMS Tutorial”.. It should take five minutes or less. If you are new to JMS then keep reading! JMS Concepts A messaging system is composed of a JMS Broker (middleware), Queues and Topics, and Producers and Consumers. The JMS Broker There is a…
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Jakarta EE: A New Hope

By Community, Jakarta EE, Open Source No Comments
It was announced today that we in the Jakarta EE community would not be able to modify the javax namespace. When I heard that statement uttered for the first time, I was certain I heard wrong. I asked several questions hoping for more positive news with better options in the future. No, it was exactly what I heard. Many of you know me as a positive voice in the community, but even my calm demeanor was cracked. Several visceral statements left my mouth and at one point during the meeting I recall using the word asinine. Transitioning through the stages…
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JMS 3.0: Get Involved!

By Jakarta EE, Open Source No Comments
As the Jakarta EE Working Group at Eclipse prepares for the release of Jakarta EE 8, we are starting to think about what comes next.  Actually, most of us have been thinking about that for a while, but we have to get Jakarta EE 8 out before we can start to overhaul the platform.  One of the technologies that is due for an overhaul after Jakarta EE 8, is the Java Message Service (JMS) which was originally introduced in 2000 - nearly 20 years ago. Since 2000, the JMS specification has evolved slowly, but steadily, and while it remains one…
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The Best Thing I Ever Did Was Open Source

By Apache TomEE, Community, Jakarta EE, Open Source, Tomitribe No Comments
When I look back on the 25 years since I graduated and entered the market as a professional software engineer, I see a tapestry of accomplishments, failures, joy, frustration, and finally peace.  One accomplishment, in particular, the Co-Founding of OpenEJB with David Blevins, stands at the top of that list. I started out in Open Source working with Mark Flury on EJB-OSS in 1999, which was later renamed JBoss.  Shortly after that experience, I was hired by a company to develop an entirely new Open Source EJB Container system, OpenEJB, which later became an official Apache project. The opportunity to…
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TomEE: SSL/TLS Secured Websockets

By Apache TomEE, Arquillian, Jakarta EE, Open Source No Comments
In a previous article, WebSocket and Lock it! we showed how to use basic authentication on websocket calls to an application deployed on TomEE. In this article, we explain how to add SSL/TLS security to the connection between the client and the application server. To demonstrate this, we've created a new wss-secured-websocket project. This work is valid both for Secure Websocket (WSS) and HTTPS. Adding transport layer security is important in order to protect the data exchange. Payloads and headers are sent in clear text when using simple HTTP. This is critical when considering the authentication header. As you can…
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