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TomEE: Using JCache with CDI

By Apache TomEE, Hazelcast, Jakarta EE No Comments
Although this article was originally written and published earlier, we felt it was important to cover it again on our blog.  JCache continues to offer exceptional advantages in enterprise computing and has been used by Tomitribe support services to improve performance of enterprise applications running TomEE.   The JCache JSR (JSR-107), finalized in late 2014, provides a standard mechanism to cache values in a map-like structure using a key. There are a number of different JCache implementations to choose from, and swapping between them should be no more difficult than swapping out .jar files on the classpath. In these examples,…
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Using JCache with CDI

By Apache TomEE, Hazelcast, Jakarta EE No Comments
The JCache JSR (JSR-107), finalized in late 2014, provides a standard mechanism to cache values in a map-like structure using a key. There are a number of different JCache implementations to choose from, and swapping between them should be no more difficult than swapping out .jar files on the classpath. In these examples, I will use Hazelcast which provides a distributed cache, giving the benefit that all of the nodes in the cluster are using the same cache and working consistently. CacheManager For anyone new to JCache, here are the basic concepts. It's also worth having a look at the…
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