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Proprietary to Open: A Sea Change for Jakarta EE

By Eclipse Foundation, Jakarta EE, Open Source No Comments
As was discussed in the last post, Jakarta EE: Into the Fourth Epoch, enterprise Java is undergoing the biggest change in the 20-year history of the platform. Although a big part of this is the brand change from Java EE to Jakarta EE as well as a new technical direction (i.e. cloud-native and microservices) the most important change will be the move from a proprietary Java EE to fully open source Jakarta EE platform. The change in custodianship, from Oracle to the Eclipse Foundation, is fundamentally the most important change to the entire platform. To understand why, it's important to…
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Jakarta EE: Into the Fourth Epoch

By Eclipse Foundation, Jakarta EE No Comments
This year, enterprise Java is undergoing the biggest change in the 20-year history of the platform.  Although a big part of this is the brand change from Java EE to Jakarta EE, the most important is a new openness and the technical direction. With the transition to the auspicious of the Eclipse Foundation and a new focus on cloud-native and microservices, this year demarcates a new Epoch in the story of enterprise Java. A Brief History of Enterprise Java I like to think of the history of Enterprise Java as taking place in four Epochs, the Fourth Epoch being the…
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