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Oracle Developer Community Tour Latin 2018

By Community, Jakarta EE, MicroProfile, Open Source, Tomitribe No Comments
About a month ago we post a blog about Otávio Santana speaking with the Latin America Oracle Developer Community Tour (Latin ODC Tour).  The Latin ODC Tour focuses on great technologies such as Oracle Cloud, Containers, Java, Microservices, Oracle Database, DevOps, MySQL. This year, the ODC has covered twelves cities: Paraguay, Asunción Chile, Santiago de Chile Brasil, São Paulo Uruguay, Montevideo Argentina, Buenos Aires Perú, Lima Ecuador, Quito Colombia, Barranquilla Costa     Rica, San José Panamá,  Ciudad de Panamá México,  Ciudad de México Guatemala,  Ciudad de Guatemala While the tour visits countries in both South and Central America it spans communities…
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TomEE: Running with Systemd

By Apache TomEE, Community, Open Source No Comments
What is systemd? Systemd is the first background process to run and the last background process to end in the Linux operating system. It has the process id (PID) of 1, meaning that all other background processes (aka daemons) are created by systemd; it is the root background process in a Linux operating system. Systemd is designed to provide a unified configuration process for bootstrapping Linux processes, enable and disable process, and manage the interface between those processes and user applications.  Developers can configure systemd using standard files called units. Units can be used for defining the initialization process for…
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Tomitribe is Family

By Community, Tomitribe No Comments
Life is full of curveballs, which is an American euphemism for saying, “things don’t always go as expected.”  At the beginning of this year, I decided to return to the Java open source ecosystem when offered the chance by David Blevins and Tomitribe. It’s probably the best decision I’ve made in 14 years, and I’m grateful to Tomitribe for bringing me aboard and to the Java community for making me feel welcome.   Tomitribe is an exciting place to work. We are very involved in the new Jakarta EE (EE4J) project at Eclipse Foundation with members participating on many of…
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What is Eclipse MicroProfile?

By Community, Eclipse Foundation, MicroProfile No Comments
Eclipse MicroProfile defines itself as: The MicroProfile is a baseline platform definition that optimizes Enterprise Java for a microservices architecture and delivers application portability across multiple MicroProfile runtimes.  -- MicroProfile FAQ Java for Enterprise applications are usually built on two options: Spring Framework and Java EE. Java EE created a set of specifications defined first by Sun Microsystems and then by Oracle through the Java Community Process. Specifications were meant to facilitate vendor agnostic development and deployment. During the last 5 years, the Java EE platform has become stable and mature resulting in less frequent releases. Java EE has also…
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Tomitribe on the ODC Tour: Paraguay, Chile, and Brazil

By Community, MicroProfile, Open Source, Tomitribe No Comments
Otávio Santana has been busy on the exciting, twelve-country Latin America Oracle Developer Community Tour! He is personally speaking in Paraguay, Chile, Brazil, Argentina, Peru, Guatemala, and Mexico! Otávio Santana, a Java Champion and Triber, has worked on everything from jNoSql to JBoss Weld to Hibernate as well as being a member of the JCP Executive Committee, working on several JCP Expert Groups, and is deeply involved in the development of MicroProfile and Jakarta EE. Otávio is presenting on Grid Database, jNoSQL, and Stateless Microservice Security via JWT and MicroProfile. His first stop, on July 31st, was in Paraguay in…
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Tomitribe at EclipseCon France

By Community, MicroProfile, Open Source No Comments
I had the privilege of being invited to speak at EclipseCon France (June 13th & 14th) about Microprofile, microservices, and JWT.  The conference took place in Toulouse and being from France I have been there a couple of times, but never took the time to enjoy it. The architecture is beautiful, the city clean, and the people nice. Don’t know if it was because it was the beginning of summer or not, but I found the city very active and alive in the evenings. The conference was held at the convention center downtown. The venue is large and well organized. There were…
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Recap: Jakarta EE at Open Source North

By Community, Eclipse Foundation, Jakarta EE, Java Community Processes No Comments
I had the privilege of speaking at Open Source North last week (June 15th) about the transition from Java EE to Jakarta EE. The conference was well organized, and in its 4th year, was completely sold out weeks earlier. It was exciting to see so many people from the Twin Cities focused on open source! The presentations were excellent. The presentation "How Much Freedom is too Much?" about Microservices by Kelly Goetsch was packed to the point that there was not even room to stand in the back. It shows how relevant the topic is to folks in the trenches today. I also enjoyed…
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The REST Security Road Trip

By Community, MicroProfile, Open Source No Comments
My road trip from Coimbra, Portugal to Madrid, Spain, where I spoke to the Madrid JUG about REST security, was beautiful, but full of wrong turns, some potholes, and flash thunderstorms. It reminded me of my adventure in learning and coming to understand REST security. There are so many security specifications that it's easy to get turned around and to encounter new technical concepts. The "Deconstructing REST Security" talk, originally created by David Blevins, is like a clear roadmap to navigate the potholes and thunderstorms of REST security. It makes navigating the difficulties far simpler, providing both context and a clear route to…
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Jakarta EE: Unofficial State of the Union, Part 1

By Blog, Community, Eclipse Foundation, Jakarta EE, Open Source No Comments
There is so much going on with the transition of Java EE from Oracle to the Eclipse Foundation, that it can make your head spin.  Java EE is a huge platform, not only in terms of technology, but also in terms of specifications, governance, and marketing. This “Unofficial” state-of-the-union is an attempt to bring people, not intimately familiar with the work being done, up to speed. Obviously, this is subject to change as the transfer of intellectual property from Oracle to Eclipse Foundation, the establishment of a governance model, and the marketing plan are still being defined. Hopefully, however, this…
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Javeros de Colombia 2018

By Community, MicroProfile, Tomitribe No Comments
The inaugural Javeros de Colombia conference was held in the city of Cali Colombia on May 19th. The Javeros de Colombia is designed to provide a space for Latin American Java User Groups, education, public and private sectors to gather together and discuss the latest Java related technologies and trends like: Microservices, Cloud, Jakarta EE, Microprofile, Security, and DevOps. The conference was organized by three Columbian JUGs from the cities: Cali @CLOJUG , Medellin @MedellinJug, and Barranquilla @JUGBAQ . Together these JUGs created an outstanding gathering with content and with speakers from all over Latin America that included Community Leaders, Open Source Advocates, Java Champions, Oracle Aces and…
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