Jakarta One 2020, held on December 8th, 2020, gathered industry users and Java communities to share and learn the latest Java enterprise-related technologies. Jakarta EE 9, officially announced in November 2020, that they have created a lot of momentum to keep the conversation going in terms of lessons learned, roadmaps, and best practices. Rafael Guimares, and I, had the opportunity to present the session “Keeping Brazil’s Medical Industry Safe with MicroProfile & JakartaEE”. The session addressed the challenges, opportunities, and roadmap to migrating one of Brazil’s medical industry applications from Java EE into Jakarta EE 9, and MicroProfile implementations, towards…
El 12 de Octubre del 2020 se llevó a cabo la primera edición virtual del JakartaOne en Español, el evento reunió a más de 500 asistentes y 9 comunidades de Java de habla hispana. La agenda del evento ofreció a los asistentes y comunidades una amplia gama de temas relacionados a las aplicaciones Java Empresarial, nubes nativas, micro servicios entre otros. En esta edición tuve la oportunidad de compartir la sesión “Pavimentando el camino con Jakarta EE 9 and Apache TomEE” la cual ofrece un breve recorrido de cómo Jakarta EE ha evolucionado en los últimos 20 años y la…
Today, we are in lockdown due to COVID-19. International travel has dropped to single digits. This is a fun-throwback to what it meant to be a 24/7 international traveler, the exhaustion, the jet-lag, the consumption of lots of caffeine & water… and what it meant for some of us to be able to recharge with trusted friends. Together, we chose to make that travel exhaustion be a bit less heavy to bear! Bruno’s tweet went live on May 17th, 2019. The ~4 minutes video freezes a wonderful memory of our time in Tokyo, Japan. Informal sharing while we tested connecting tools…, with smiles…