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Apache TomEE Jakarta EE certified after 10 years

By Apache TomEE, Community, Jakarta EE, TomEE 2 Comments
We are extremely excited to spread the word that Apache TomEE 9.0.0-M7 has reached Jakarta EE 9.1 Web Profile certification. Speaking with our Apache-contributor hats on, this is not just our first certification in 10 years, but we are doubly proud Apache TomEE is on the list of certified servers on the day of the Jakarta EE release. Moreover, after 3 years of behind-the-scenes work, we're very excited the Apache Software Foundation has joined Jakarta EE Working Group as a Guest Member. And finally, not to be overlooked, the Apache TomEE project has a fresh new website: - As…
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Keeping Brazil’s Medical Industry Safe with MicroProfile | JakartaOne Livestream 2020

By Community, Jakarta EE, JakartaONE, MicroProfile No Comments

Jakarta One 2020, held on December 8th, 2020, gathered industry users and Java communities to share and learn the latest Java enterprise-related technologies. Jakarta EE 9, officially announced in November 2020, that they have created a lot of momentum to keep the conversation going in terms of lessons learned, roadmaps, and best practices.  Rafael Guimares, and I, had the opportunity to present the session “Keeping Brazil’s Medical Industry Safe with MicroProfile & JakartaEE”. The session addressed the challenges, opportunities, and roadmap to migrating one of Brazil’s medical industry applications from Java EE into Jakarta EE 9, and MicroProfile implementations, towards…

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Pavimentando el Camino con Jakarta EE 9 and Apache TomEE

By Apache TomEE, Jakarta EE, JakartaONE Español, Tribers vTour No Comments

El 12 de Octubre del 2020 se llevó a cabo la primera edición virtual del JakartaOne en Español, el evento reunió a más de 500 asistentes y 9 comunidades de Java de habla hispana.  La agenda del evento ofreció a los asistentes y comunidades una amplia gama de temas relacionados a las aplicaciones Java Empresarial, nubes nativas, micro servicios entre otros.   En esta edición tuve la oportunidad de compartir la sesión “Pavimentando el camino con Jakarta EE 9 and Apache TomEE” la cual ofrece un breve recorrido de cómo Jakarta EE ha evolucionado en los últimos 20 años y la…

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JakartaONE Español 2020: De Comunidad Para Comunidad!

By Community, Jakarta EE, JakartaONE Español, Open Source, Tribers Tour, Tribers vTour, Video No Comments
  ¡El informe resumido del evento JakartaONE Español 2020 es una maravillosa declaración de una actividad comunitaria de código abierto con el corazón de voluntarios!   Comité de JakartaONE Español Alberto, Carlos, Eudris, Jonathan & Hillmer gracias por decidir ser administradores formidables cuyas acciones continuamente inspiraron y reflejaron las mejores características que el código abierto ofrece: sencillez, pasión, sinceridad, respeto, y agallas. JakartaONE Español 2020 es una realidad porque ustedes 5 así lo decidieron. Ustedes han ayudado a sentar las bases de futuras transmisiones en vivo de JakartaONE Español. Que chévere!!!  Gracias por elegir 💙 incluir a muchos de nosotros en…
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JakartaONE Brazil 2020: Como alavancar microservices com TomEE e MicroProfile para ajudar a indústria médica no Brasil.

By Apache TomEE, Jakarta EE, JakartaONE, JakartaONE Brazil, TomEE, Tribers vTour No Comments
No dia 29 de agosto, aconteceu o JakartaOne Livestream Brazil. Foi uma conferência virtual de um dia para desenvolvedores e líderes técnicos trazendo o estado atual e futuro de Jakarta EE e tecnologias relacionadas, com foco no desenvolvimento de aplicativos nativos em nuvem corporativa. A participação foi ótima, com cerca de 200 pessoas conectadas continuamente. Nosso parceiro no Brasil, Rafael Guimares, CEO of GBR Sistemas, falou sobre como eles alavancaram microservices com TomEE para ajudar a indústria médica no Brasil. Graças à sua experiência, a equipe de Rafael foi capaz de construir rapidamente um novo aplicativo para suporte à telemedicina no contexto do Coronavírus (consulta...
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DevNexus 2020 Video Interview with Emily Jiang & David Blevins

By Community, Jakarta EE, Jakarta JMS, MicroProfile No Comments
At the end of February, right before the Covid-19 pandemic shut down all USA conferences, a few Tribers enjoyed the DevNexus week.  Watch below a candid 20 minutes video  David Blevins and Emily Jiang conversation that shares an insight on topics such as:  the upcoming Jakarta Messaging features the Jakarta EE 9 planning the Javax namespace  MicroProfile and much more. We hope you enjoy it!    Video Credits:   The video was first published on May 13th by the IBM Developer youtube channel & shared via IBM Developer Advocate  Mary Grygleski's tweet on May 14th.
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Bolivia JUG April 2020 Meetup

By Apache TomEE, Community, Jakarta EE, Java EE, MicroProfile, Open Source, Spanish, TomEE, Tribers Tour, Tribers vTour No Comments
In April 2020, the Bolivia Java User Group held a virtual meetup with Latin American JUG's participants. The event covered Java cloud-native and microservice development, infrastructure, and contribution to the Open Source ecosystem distributed in three sessions: It's Easy! Contributing to Open Source César Hernández, from Guatemala JUG, provided a session about how to contribute and become a valuable part of any open source community. Examples of how to learn and apply soft and hard skills were presented based on MicroProfile and Apache TomEE Open Source projects. Attendees were able to learn how to access and navigate the culture of…
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Keeping Brazil’s Medical Industry Safe with MicroProfile & JakartaEE – Jakarta Tech Talks

By Apache TomEE, Community, Eclipse Foundation, Jakarta EE, Java EE, MicroProfile, Open Source, TomEE, Tomitribe, Tribers vTour No Comments
At Oracle Code One 2019  Rafael Guimares, Otavio Santana, and I presented this 45 minutes session for the first time. We provided a case of cloud migration and modernization of a widely use monolithic system with the help of MicroProfile, Jakarta EE, TomEEand Tribestream API Gateway in the Brazilian medical Industry that involved several challenges such as the fifth-largest population and largest territory in the world; technical complexity; and diversity, both geographic and economic. At the beginning of 2020, we were invited via the Jakarta EE Community Forum signed up sheet here to present the session as part of the…
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#sharingIScaring: The fun side of things in Tokyo 2019!

By Community, Tribers Tour No Comments

Today, we are in lockdown due to COVID-19. International travel has dropped to single digits. This is a fun-throwback to what it meant to be a 24/7 international traveler, the exhaustion, the jet-lag, the consumption of lots of caffeine & water… and what it meant for some of us to be able to recharge with trusted friends.  Together, we chose to make that travel exhaustion be a bit less heavy to bear! Bruno’s tweet went live on May 17th, 2019. The ~4 minutes video freezes a wonderful memory of our  time in Tokyo, Japan.  Informal sharing while we tested connecting tools…, with smiles…

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DevNexus 2020

By Apache TomEE, Community, Jakarta EE, Open Source No Comments
DevNexus Feb 19th to 21st,  is the Atlanta annual software developer conference that’s run by the Atlanta Java Users Group . This event gathers more than 2,400 attendees from all over the world and covers a wide range of topics within the Java Platform, cloud architectures, OpenSource, frameworks, Web and Frontend, tools and techniques, security, Agile, etc. JUG Leaders Summit To celebrate 25 years of Java, a JUG Leaders Summit will take place on the 19th gathering more than 40 Java User Groups from around the world. The unconference day will provide an open and collaborative space to learn from…
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