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Get Started with the TomEE Maven Archetype

By Apache TomEE 2 Comments
I know you've been thinking about TomEE for some time. It's on your list of "things to check out", but maybe you haven't had the time to set aside a half day to dive into the details of running TomEE? Maybe you think it's going to take too long to get started? It won't, give me two minutes. Here's a video that demonstrates the process of getting started with TomEE in just that time. If you want to get started with TomEE and you have two minutes to spare, watch this: All you need to do to start using TomEE…
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In Development: Improved Support in NetBeans for TomEE

By Apache TomEE No Comments
If you use NetBeans or you've attended a conference or read Oracle's NetBeans blogs, you know who Geertjan Wielenga is.  Geertjan has lived and breathed NetBeans for years, and I see him everywhere I go.  I fly to Belgium for Devoxx? Geertjan.  I show up in JavaOne? Geertjan.  He's everywhere. For years it's been like this, if there is a conference that has anything to do with Java, he's there spreading the good word of NetBeans.  Geertjan's done a great job of building a very loyal audience of Java developers who are passionate about NetBeans because he's focused on integration,…
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Creating a MongoDB Security Realm for Tomcat

By Apache TomEE No Comments
At Tomitribe, much of our client work focuses on integration. For example, a customer might come to us and with an existing LDAP server that they want to use as a security realm or, in this case, a requirement to connect to a MongoDB database that contains users, credentials, and role definitions. The great thing about Tomcat and TomEE is that it's very easy to write custom components that can use any external resource to do just about anything. While there are likely several valid ways to use a MongoDB database as an authentication provider for Tomcat, in this blog…
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