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JavaLand 2016 – A Triber Report

By Community No Comments
Last week, I visited the JavaLand conference at Brühl in the Phantasialand amusement park. Going to JavaLand for the third time and JavaLand being hosted for the third year, you can call me a JavaLand veteran. Nevertheless, this was a very special JavaLand for me because I just became a member of Tomitribe only one week before. So this was a very good occasion to not only learn new stuff, but also meet and celebrate with other members of the Tribe such as the incomparable Amelia Eiras, David Blevins, and Andy Gumbrecht. Besides celebrating, I also visited some very interesting…
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Testing persistence with Arquillian on TomEE

By Apache TomEE, Arquillian, Jakarta EE No Comments
Testing enterprise applications that use persistence can be a hassle: A test database has to be configured. The database has to be seeded before the test. After the test the state of the database has to compared with the expected result. This post shows how to write a test for a Java EE application that uses the Java Persistence API using these technologies: Arquillian is a testing platform that allows, among other things, testing Java EE applications in a Java EE application server. The Arquillian Persistence Extension is an extension to Arquillian that takes over seeding the database, matching the…
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Asynchronous EJBs on TomEE

By Apache TomEE, Jakarta EE 2 Comments
After configuring Asynchronous EJB invocations on WebSphere for the last few weeks at work, I had some ideas on how Asynchronous EJBs would work on TomEE and how they can be configured. EJB 3.1 specification does not say anything about how to implement asynchronous invocations and the semantics can differ a bit between application servers. This article: Gives a short introduction into Asynchronous EJB Explains the configuration options of TomEE with respect to Asynchronous EJBs Provides some ideas on how to configure your own system Includes a project demonstrating configuration options with TomEE A Quick Introduction into Asynchronous EJBs The…
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Thread pool configuration for inbound resource adapters on TomEE

By Apache TomEE One Comment
Developing resource adapters is surely one of the least known parts of the Java EE platform. Besides developing the component itself, additional knowledge is required for operating the component and customization work is slightly more complex for resource adapters. Whereas for servlets, most of the customization work for an operating environment is done by configuring the WebContainer thread pool size and the resource pool sizes. This article presents a demo application that allows you to play around with important properties for successful thread pool configuration of inbound resource adapters on TomEE. The Demo application The demo application is very simple.…
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