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Overview of MicroProfile Rest Client

By Apache TomEE, MicroProfile 2 Comments
The goal of this article is to give you an overview of the MicroProfile Rest Client (aka Rest Client), how it works and the advantages you can obtain when utilizing it to implement a Java REST client. When we talk about microservices, we discuss many different architecture topics, but sometimes we forget the importance of a good client API. The Rest Client is a Java REST client based in JAX-RS 2.0, that uses its current features, but also provides a different way of interacting with the microservices. The 1.0 version of Rest Client was first introduced in MicroProfile version 1.3…
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Getting Started with Microprofile Metrics

By MicroProfile No Comments
In the world of Microservices, knowing how your server, application and container are doing is crucial for success. In production, every system administrator wants to be able to proactively check the container memory, the disk, the network, and the JVM. They need to know how many times a service is being called, how long this service took to execute, and several other metrics that help to manage services before they become unavailable. The MicroProfile Metrics is a specification that provides a standard way for application servers to expose metrics and, also, an API for developers to build their own application metrics. This article will…
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