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Is Jigsaw Dead? Not quite.

By Java Community Processes No Comments
There are a lot of opinion pieces about Jigsaw and the recent vote. Most of them are titled "Jigsaw Rejected," or "Back to the Drawing Board." In 28 days time you will read articles that have titles like "JCP has Change of Heart on Jigsaw" and "Jigsaw Approved in Java 9." Would it surprise you to learn that there are 2 to 3 more votes ahead? You might now be thinking, "If there are so many votes ahead, how could Jigsaw have been rejected?" The short answer, it wasn't. Unless we learn the JCP process, we could be seeing up…
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MicroProfile: Optimizing Enterprise Java for a Microservices architecture

By MicroProfile One Comment
Today we are announcing a new collaboration called the MicroProfile.  Together with Red Hat, IBM, Payara, the LJC and all who will join us, we aim to merge innovation and standardization into Enterprise Java with Microservices focus. Microservices in Enterprise Java If you look at all the servers in the Enterprise Java space, particularly Java EE implementations, you see a trend: lighter is better.  From the day TomEE was announced in 2011 it was a 30MB distro, booted in a second, ran with default 64MB JVM heap and passed the Java EE 6 Web Profile TCK on hundreds of t1.micro…
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Apache TomEE JAX-RS and Arquillian Starter Project

By Apache TomEE, Arquillian, Jakarta EE 2 Comments
Know JAX-RS, but haven't yet dug into Apache TomEE? Way too busy or impatient to read documentation? This repo is for you. The only thing better than a Maven archetype is a repo you can fork with everything already setup. Fork this repository on Github and you're good to go! The contents are incredibly small: ./LICENSE ./pom.xml ./ ./src/main/java/org/superbiz/ ./src/main/java/org/superbiz/ ./src/test/java/org/superbiz/ ./src/test/resources/arquillian.xml The only mandatory actions are the following steps: $ git clone [email protected]:tomitribe/tomee-jaxrs-starter-project.git $ cd tomee-jaxrs-starter-project/ $ mvn clean install tomee:run That's it! With those simple steps above, you get the following: Easy to extend starter project setup…
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Tomitribe at DevoxxUK

By Community No Comments
DevoxxUK is next week and we couldn't be more excited. Why? Oh, let me count the ways. We're a Sponsor It will be our first time as an official sponsor of a conference! How's that for a start? A proud little milestone for us. If you haven't been to a Devoxx yet and you have your pass, you're in for a treat. If you don't have a pass, get one. You won't regret it. My first was Devoxx Belgium in 2012. Devoxx UK will be my fifth Devoxx event. Does that tell you anything? Norm is Back We unfortunately had…
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Meet Tomitribe at JFokus 2014

By Community No Comments
Don't miss Tomitribe next week at Jfokus this February 3rd - 5th in Stockholm, Sweden. JFokus is one of the largest Java developer events in Europe - 1500 attendees, over 50 conference presentations with topics ranging from Java SE & Java EE, Frontend & Web. Android & Mobile, Continuous Delivery & DevOps, Internet of Things, Cloud & Big Data, Future & Trends, Alt.JVM Languages like Scala, Clojure & many more. The tribe will be there speaking on Apache TomEE, showing how developers can achieve simple and lightweight applications on Tomcat leveraging Java EE technologies. The session will be Wednesday, 9am…
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Feed the Fish

By Open Source 12 Comments
The announcement of the end of commercial versions of GlassFish has a lot of people pronouncing GlassFish, in general, dead. While GlassFish is definitely not dead, the open source version will live, there are definitely going to be some challenges. This move closely follows IBM's similar actions in slowly backing away from Apache Geronimo, the basis of IBM WebSphere Community Edition for which IBM discontinued commercial support in May this year. The two giant software companies seem to be following each other lock and step. Who is to Blame? While it's tempting to wag our fingers at these two giants…
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Meet Tomitribe at Devoxx 2013

By Community No Comments
Don't miss Tomitribe at Devoxx 2013. I'll be there presenting some of the recent accomplishments in the EJB 3.2 spec released as part of Java EE 7. As a spec revision largely focused on API fixes, there were a couple changes with big impact! Prepare to have your view of EJB turned upside down. EJB 3.2 and Beyond - Wednesday November 13th, 17:50 We will be there with shirts and stickers to give away, so meet us at the session or catch up with us in the hacking area. If you see us, please do come and say hi! There's…
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Who Are The Real Heroes Of Open Source?

By Open Source One Comment
As the first entry in the Tomitribe blog, I wanted to take the opportunity to give a personal view of why. Why do we exist? What do we hope to achieve? Chasing a Dream Before I talk about that, I want to share an intimate moment in time. A defining moment when we knew we truly had something special. This is a picture from April of 2011, before Apache TomEE had been certified and announced to the world, when it was still very much a dream. Open source is full of heroes and these people are my personal heroes and…
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