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“I do not hate Apache Maven”

By Open Source One Comment
I recently had an opportunity to hold a few talks at DevoxxUK. This one went down as a treat, so I'd like to share a little depth in this quick blog. Thanks go out to the entire team, but some special thanks to Mark Hazell and Ellie May for organizing a really great event. Awesome work guys! Apache Maven This is a quick and simple take on ensuring that your Apache Maven based project starts and, more importantly, stays lean and clean. It's a summary of my best practices, and I'm always happy to learn a few more. Keep your…
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Arquillian Cube: ‘Production Near’ Unit Tests Against Docker Images

By Arquillian, Docker No Comments
This is a detailed followup to an Arquillian talk I held at JAX Germany, having had the honour of being asked to do the talk by Aslak Knutsen (the Arquillian project lead). Aslak provided some useful pointers and information to get me up to spec for the talk, so many thanks Aslak. The entire blog source code can be found on GitHub here, so you might want to fork that first before reading on. What is Arquillian Cube? This article assumes that you are already familiar with the Arquillian extensible testing platform; if not, then you should pop over to…
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Apache TomEE, Arquillian, JCache, CDI, and Hazelcast – What more could you want?

By Apache TomEE, Arquillian, Jakarta EE 2 Comments
Well, OK, maybe a lot more, but these technologies just work so sweet together that we decided to jump in and give it a go at the Devoxx UK 2015 Hackergarten. Heather VanCura, a leader of the Java Community Process (JCP), clubbed several developers together for some fun key bashing and this is the result. Enjoy! This hack session was brought to you by Bruno Baptista, Paulo Martins and Andy Gumbrecht, with thanks to Heather VanCura and Devoxx UK 2015. JCache API This API allows the use of caching methods in an intuitive and transparent manner. You need two things in your…
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Monitoring an Apache TomEE Service on Windows with VisualVM

By Apache TomEE No Comments
It's always good to 'see' how your Apache TomEE server is performing in a real world environment. A really great visual tool for this job, that actually ships with the latest Java Development Kit (JDK), is the Java VisualVM application. I will assume you already have a recent Oracle JDK and Apache TomEE installed as a Windows Service. Although this post will focus on the Windows Service platform, most of the information is relevant for other Java platforms. You'll find this tool in the C:/Program Files/Java//bin directory as 'jvisualvm.exe' - Just run it and have a play with the application…
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