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JakartaONE Español 2020: De Comunidad Para Comunidad!

By Community, Jakarta EE, JakartaONE Español, Open Source, Tribers Tour, Tribers vTour, Video No Comments
  ¡El informe resumido del evento JakartaONE Español 2020 es una maravillosa declaración de una actividad comunitaria de código abierto con el corazón de voluntarios!   Comité de JakartaONE Español Alberto, Carlos, Eudris, Jonathan & Hillmer gracias por decidir ser administradores formidables cuyas acciones continuamente inspiraron y reflejaron las mejores características que el código abierto ofrece: sencillez, pasión, sinceridad, respeto, y agallas. JakartaONE Español 2020 es una realidad porque ustedes 5 así lo decidieron. Ustedes han ayudado a sentar las bases de futuras transmisiones en vivo de JakartaONE Español. Que chévere!!!  Gracias por elegir 💙 incluir a muchos de nosotros en…
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#sharingIScaring: The fun side of things in Tokyo 2019!

By Community, Tribers Tour No Comments

Today, we are in lockdown due to COVID-19. International travel has dropped to single digits. This is a fun-throwback to what it meant to be a 24/7 international traveler, the exhaustion, the jet-lag, the consumption of lots of caffeine & water… and what it meant for some of us to be able to recharge with trusted friends.  Together, we chose to make that travel exhaustion be a bit less heavy to bear! Bruno’s tweet went live on May 17th, 2019. The ~4 minutes video freezes a wonderful memory of our  time in Tokyo, Japan.  Informal sharing while we tested connecting tools…, with smiles…

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OpenSource and Math Never Lie: Podcast by Adam Bien & Amelia Eiras

By Community, Interview No Comments

Adam Bien, being THE amazing Adam who never gives up, continues to integrate the diverse voices in our Software Ecosystem via his informal and fun podcast called: I was thrilled to be a guest on Adam’s 46th airhack, thank YOU #usualsuspects  Thank you for caring enough to prioritize your time, each Monday of the month for almost 3 years and counting, for such a fun activity. Thank you for including me, the many guests before and the future airhacks’ guests. Bias to the core, I have enjoyed listening to many of your podcasts, the signature continues to be sharing…

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