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On a previous blog post, Triber Ivan Junckes Filho published an overview of the MicroProfile Rest Client (Rest Client) standard. In this tutorial, we are going to build on Ivan’s overview to show you, step by step, how you can develop and deploy this type-safe approach to consume an existing JAX-RS microservices with Apache TomEE 8 M1. If you have not read Ivan’s overview, it is suggested you do that first and then come back to this tutorial.

The toolset we are going to use for this tutorial includes Java 8, Apache TomEE 8 M1 and Maven 3.6. The technologies applied during the tutorial includes JAX-RS API and Arquillian for smooth and easy in-container testing.

Build and run the project

If you want to go straight to the action, you can execute the following commands to run the project, keep in mind that the rest client is created and executed only during the maven Test phase.

$ git clone
$ cd tomee-mp-rest-client-starter-project
$ mvn clean install tomee:run

If you want to run just the maven test phase:

$ mvn clean test

Feeling empowered? Awesome, but before going for more coffee, let’s review how this project is structured, the overall functionality of the microservice we are going to consume and finally the creation and usage of the MicroProfile Rest Client.

Project Structure

├── pom.xml
└── src
    ├── main
    │   └── java
    │       └── org
    │           └── superbiz
    │               └── rest
    │                   ├──
    │                   ├──
    │                   ├──
    │                   └──
    └── test
        ├── java
        │   └── org
        │       └── superbiz
        │           └── rest
        │               ├──
        │               └──
        └── resources
            ├── META-INF
            │   └──
            └── arquillian.xml

The project structure follows the Maven standard conventions. For simplicity purposes we can divide the project structure, and the rest of this tutorial, into three sections:

  • pom.xml file defining the project name, package, and version along with the necessary java dependencies need it by the project.
  • src/main/../rest package containing all the classes need it by the project to expose a JAX-RS based Movie microservice with basic CRUD operations on a movie catalog.
  • src/test/ package containing an arquillian-base test to simplify how to configure and use the MicroProfile Rest Client.

About dependencies

We need to make sure our pom.xml file has both JavaEE 8 and MicroProfile dependencies. Notice that both dependencies have the scope provided, meaning that the artifact is automatically provided by TomEE and do not need to be packaged with your microservices.



About the Movie microservice

The movie microservice is a JAX-RS endpoint with basic CRUD operations on a movie catalog. The following is a list of the available endpoints provided by the

DELETE /api/catalog/movies/{id} ->  void deleteMovie(int)        
GET    /api/catalog/            ->  String status()              
GET    /api/catalog/movies      ->  List getListOfMovies()
GET    /api/catalog/movies/{id} ->  Movie getMovie(int)          
POST   /api/catalog/movies      ->  void addMovie(Movie)         
PUT    /api/catalog/movies      ->  void updateMovie(Movie)

How to build the Movie microservice is out of the scope of this tutorial but you can study the sample code on GitHub to learn how it works. If you want to know more about JAX-RS and arquillian you can check the blog post, Apache TomEE JAX-RS and Arquillian Starter Project.

Getting down to business with MicroProfile Rest Client

For developing the type-safe rest client, we need the following:

1) A client interface that you can use to make calls to the JAX-RS microservice.

The interface located in the src/test/../rest package is similar to the JAX-RS resource ( but take notice of the usage of @RegisterRestClient and @Path("/test/api/catalog") annotations. The @RegisterRestClient declares the interface as a MicroProfile Rest Client Interface and the @Path defines the base URL for the microservice our client is going to consume.

import java.util.List;

public interface MovieResourceClient {
    String status();

    void addMovie(Movie newMovie);

    void deleteMovie(@PathParam("id") int id);

    void updateMovie(Movie updatedMovie);

    Movie getMovie(@PathParam("id") int id);

    List getListOfMovies();

2) A property file that declares the URL protocol and port of the movies microservice.

The file located in src/test/resources/META-INF folder provides the URL protocol and port of the movies microservice. This property is going to be used along with the interface to build the absolute URL to consume the movie microservice.

This is where the fun of using the MicroProfile Rest Client begins. In the class the simplicity involved in the creation and usage of the client can really be appreciated. It’s clear and concise without an excessive amount of code or configuration.

At a high level, here’s how to build and use the client in the
Inject the client by merely using the @Inject and @RestClient annotations in conjunction with the MovieResourceClient interface:

    //Injection point MP Rest Client
    private MovieResourceClient mpClient;

From there you can start consuming the movie microservice with basic Java methods calls.

mpClient.addMovie(new Movie(1, "TomEE MicroProfile Adventures"));
mpClient.addMovie(new Movie(2, "Top 10 Tomee Configuraiton Tips"));

assertTrue(mpClient.getListOfMovies().size() == 2);
assertTrue(mpClient.getMovie(1).getName().equalsIgnoreCase("TomEE MicroProfile Adventures"));

assertTrue(mpClient.getListOfMovies().size() == 1);
assertTrue(mpClient.getMovie(2).getName().equalsIgnoreCase("Top 10 Tomee Configuraiton Tips"));

mpClient.updateMovie(new Movie(2, "Top 3 Tomee Configuraiton Tips"));
assertTrue(mpClient.getListOfMovies().size() == 1);
assertTrue(mpClient.getMovie(2).getName().equalsIgnoreCase("Top 3 Tomee Configuraiton Tips"));

This is the complete code of

import org.jboss.arquillian.container.test.api.Deployment;
import org.jboss.arquillian.junit.Arquillian;
import org.jboss.shrinkwrap.api.ShrinkWrap;
import org.jboss.shrinkwrap.api.asset.StringAsset;
import org.jboss.shrinkwrap.api.spec.WebArchive;
import org.junit.Test;
import org.junit.runner.RunWith;
import javax.inject.Inject;
import static org.junit.Assert.assertTrue;

public class MovieResourceTest {
    //Arquillian deployment information
    public static WebArchive createDeployment() {
        final WebArchive webArchive = ShrinkWrap.create(WebArchive.class, "test.war")
                .addAsWebInfResource(new StringAsset(""), "beans.xml")
        return webArchive;

    //Injection point MP Rest Client
    private MovieResourceClient mpClient;

    public void testServerStatus() {

    public void tesMovieResource() {

        mpClient.addMovie(new Movie(1, "TomEE MicroProfile Adventures"));
        mpClient.addMovie(new Movie(2, "Top 10 Tomee Configuraiton Tips"));

        assertTrue(mpClient.getListOfMovies().size() == 2);
        assertTrue(mpClient.getMovie(1).getName().equalsIgnoreCase("TomEE MicroProfile Adventures"));

        assertTrue(mpClient.getListOfMovies().size() == 1);
        assertTrue(mpClient.getMovie(2).getName().equalsIgnoreCase("Top 10 Tomee Configuraiton Tips"));

        mpClient.updateMovie(new Movie(2, "Top 3 Tomee Configuraiton Tips"));
        assertTrue(mpClient.getListOfMovies().size() == 1);
        assertTrue(mpClient.getMovie(2).getName().equalsIgnoreCase("Top 3 Tomee Configuraiton Tips"));


Thank you for reading this tutorial, as you can see the MicroProfile Rest Client proposes a standardized approach to consume REST service via a Type-Safe approach in Java. You can learn more about it in
Let’s go now for more rewarding coffee and enjoy coding with Apache TomEE.

Cesar Hernandez

Cesar Hernandez

César Hernández is a Senior Software Engineer at Tomitribe with experience in Enterprise Java Applications. He is a Java Champion, Duke's Choice Award winner, Eclipse Committer, Open Source advocate, teacher, and public speaker. When César is away from a computer, he enjoys spending time with his family, traveling and playing music with the Java Community Band, The Null Pointers. Follow Cesar on twitter @CesarHgt

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